Monday, February 20, 2012

Money Can't Buy You Love, Happiness, or Extra Luggage Privileges on a "Weight Critical" Flight

Slept. Like. Crap.  Last night.

After packing and unpacking and repacking half a dozen times, I finally said, "That's it! No more shenanigans, it's time for bed."

Unfortunately, I was so concerned about what I was putting in suitcases I forgot about important stuff.  Like a clean pair of underoos to wear on my trip to get to New Zealand.  So, at 7:54am this morning (note, I had planned on leaving the house at 8am), Jon and I waited for a hand-washed pair to finish drying in the dryer.

Betcha didn't expect to read about underoos today, did you?

After we got to the airport in Binghamton, it was time for the moment of truth.  How much was I going to pay to get all of my luggage to New Zealand?  I had heard that it'd cost about $250 to get my bike over, so I was prepared for the worst since I also had a hunch that both suitcases were over the 50 pound limit.

Jon noticed the "Weight Critical Flight" alert first.  I ignored it, thinking surely I could pay enough money to get all my belongings on the flight.

I was wrong.

The woman at the check out said that no way was I going to be able to bring that bike.  And the suitcases that were each 3-5 pounds overweight?  I'd have to figure out a way to get them under 50 pounds.

So, that's how my trip started out.  There also was a healthy dose of tears (which my mom refers to as "blubbering") and a lot of good, strong hugs.

Now, I'm in San Francisco waiting for my flight to the other hemisphere.  Wow.  There was a time or two when I was flying from Binghamton to Washington D.C. today that I seriously considered taking the next flight home.  This is absurd.  What am I doing?!  It's an awful long time until I see my family again...

I chalked it up to nerves and refocused myself on my stupid new travel pillow.  My friend Beth has flown to Brazil a lot and swears by hers.  Supposedly, wrapping an overstuffed foam horseshoe around my neck is supposed to help me sleep like a baby.  Well, I was sleeping like a baby - just like the wailing, crying, screeching thing that was about five rows behind me.

So, I decided to forget about sleep.  Who needs it anyway?  For your viewing pleasure, I present... a few photos I took just before landing in San Fran.

Last time I'll see snow for a while.

From snowy mountains to flat green land in 5 minutes flat.

Why on earth were there huuuuuge puddles of funny colored water??

That's it for my update!  The next time you hear from me I'll be in New Zealand.

I'd like to give a special shout out to my coworkers at Broome County Office for Aging... you made Friday a wicked awesome day.  I'll miss you sooo much.  To the pharmacy friends, triathlon friends, and high school friends who came to see me on Friday-thank you!  It was great to see so many friends before I left.  I wish I had more one-on-one time to spend with you all that night.  To my family... I know this time will be a rough and tough transition, but I will work my tail off to make you all proud and make this decision sooo worth it.  Last, but not least, Jon... thank you for your support.  Before you know it, I will find you a job in New Zealand and we can be together! Since we'd probably have to leave Halligan at home, I was thinking we could adopt a pink sheep?? =) xoxo


  1. Sounds like you should write a book on travel or 50 ways to pack a suitcase or partying like it's 1999 one more time...Glad that you got all your ducks in a row. Time is just flying by and before you know'll be packing to come back for a break.All of here in NY,especially jo mama is so very proud of you! We'll take good care of Jon and Halligan.Continue on!

  2. no bike...yikes..but a cool travel pillow. Is IMNZ anywhere near dunnedin?

  3. Nope, JC. It's on the north island which is roughly a 1 1/2 hour flight for me.

  4. Wait, what happened to the bike?? How did you manage to get everything on your flight?

  5. The bike stayed with Jon. We were at the airport in Binghamton and the plane going to Washington D.C. was dinky. I did some shopping around for a bike, but it will be way cheaper to just have Jon ship it from home. =)
